Friday, January 28, 2011

just what my heart needed!!

i have been struggling lately with what life has handed me.
i keep asking the question "why"?
i finally got on my knees and had a talk with God.
i didn't get all my questioned answered but i know He heard me and the answers will come when He wants me to know them.
i may not be a very religious person these days but i AM a very spiritual one.
i do talk with God.
i do read the bible.
i do talk to my bishop now and then.
i do try and walk in a straight path.
i am Christlike.

with all of this heartache i came across a couple of my friend's blogs.
chrissy {HERE} & jeanne {HERE}
it is just what my heart needed.
i have decided that i am going to take on these challenges.
you know sometimes love isn't touchable or visible.
sometimes you look through it or pass it by.
sometimes you just fEeL it!!
so for 14 days in february and every friday i am going to take a deep look into LOVE!
i am going to open my eyes and look around me.
look inside of myself.
share with others.
love deeper.
{{hug}} longer
and capture what i find.

i will be taking a picture of "hearts".
i will be taking pictures of "love".
i will be looking high and low
far and wide
inside and out!

thank you chrissy and jeanne for this small reminder.
thank you for taking the time to notice "hearts" and love.
thank you for sharing your love and hearts with me.

i am truly blessed!
today my heart is grateful.

1 comment:

Mikal said...

Aren't their ideas just fabulous!?! I love how you brought it all together too...
You are a blessing to all of us sweet Connie!