Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i am loving myself...are YOU loving you??

What progress, you ask,
have I made?
I have begun to
be a fRiEnD to myself.
one step at a time, each day bringing a new start to truly loving myself. creating who i really want to be!! try it...you may find someone who has been missing for awhile, who needs to be reminded she is loved, she it bRaVe, she is worth it and she can do ANYTHING!!


Bonita Rose said...

Love this.. I am doing the exact same thing.. can u just imagine next time we see ea other, maybe at a future BRAVE GIRLS CAMP... I'd love to serve.. can u imagine how much stronger we'll be?? Hugs LOVE YOU DEAR FRIEND XOXOXOOX

Mikal said...

This needs to be in the girl's rule book of life! :)

chrissy said...

i needed to hear that sweet pea...so often i am the LAST one to befriend. you are such a beautiful soul. come see me soon...i MISS you something terrible.

Kolleen said...


i love this reminder

and YOU!
