Tuesday, May 25, 2010

mY senior boYs!!

it's hard to believe that my two oldest boys have graduated high school. where did all those years go? i can remember when they were born, when they entered kindergarten, middle school, jr high and high school. now to think that all those memorable moments have come and gone. so glad to have videos and pictures to reminisce on the memories of these special times.
austin & trevor both graduated from seminary on thursday night. seminary is a religious class through the church of jesus christ of latter day saints that they have attended for 4 years whiled attending high school. on friday, may 21, 2010 they graduated from high school.
what an accomplishment for both of them. to see them progress and achieve many awards, dreams and goals have been pure joy as their mother.
trevor received a second place award for 2010 high school communication contest in a video sports story at the senior award ceremony on friday. he is so talented in arts and digital media. he is also a very talented writer. i am truly inspired when i read his work. i can't stop saying, "i can't believe my son wrote that". he is such a talented kid and i hope someday everyone will known it.
austin will stay at least one more year at the high school while we get him ready for the real world. next year he will be doing a lot of job shadowing and setting goals for his life beyond high school. i am truly excited as his mom to see him reach all of these goals. i have always said "austin is not here on earth to be an academic scholar, he is here to put a smile on your face". i still believe this strongly in my heart. he has been through a lot in his life and has overcome many obstacles. he is full of determination and 
his smile is huge when he has accomplished it.
i am so thankful for all the family and friends who took the time to come and support austin & trevor. i know it meant a lot to them as it did me. they are blessed to be surrounded by many who love and support them. in the end...love truly is all that matters!

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