Tuesday, May 25, 2010

mY senior boYs!!

it's hard to believe that my two oldest boys have graduated high school. where did all those years go? i can remember when they were born, when they entered kindergarten, middle school, jr high and high school. now to think that all those memorable moments have come and gone. so glad to have videos and pictures to reminisce on the memories of these special times.
austin & trevor both graduated from seminary on thursday night. seminary is a religious class through the church of jesus christ of latter day saints that they have attended for 4 years whiled attending high school. on friday, may 21, 2010 they graduated from high school.
what an accomplishment for both of them. to see them progress and achieve many awards, dreams and goals have been pure joy as their mother.
trevor received a second place award for 2010 high school communication contest in a video sports story at the senior award ceremony on friday. he is so talented in arts and digital media. he is also a very talented writer. i am truly inspired when i read his work. i can't stop saying, "i can't believe my son wrote that". he is such a talented kid and i hope someday everyone will known it.
austin will stay at least one more year at the high school while we get him ready for the real world. next year he will be doing a lot of job shadowing and setting goals for his life beyond high school. i am truly excited as his mom to see him reach all of these goals. i have always said "austin is not here on earth to be an academic scholar, he is here to put a smile on your face". i still believe this strongly in my heart. he has been through a lot in his life and has overcome many obstacles. he is full of determination and 
his smile is huge when he has accomplished it.
i am so thankful for all the family and friends who took the time to come and support austin & trevor. i know it meant a lot to them as it did me. they are blessed to be surrounded by many who love and support them. in the end...love truly is all that matters!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

2 amaZing solos!!

**PLEASE pause the music from my playlist before you watch these videos so you can have full eNjoYment**

i am so proud of my two senior boys! they each had their final concerts the first week of may and i had NO idea that they each had solos!! trevor has played the trumpet for jazz band, marching band and regular band all four years of high school. on tuesday night, may 4th he had a solo for jazz band. they played cold play's "viva la vida" in which trevor had some solo parts.

on wednesday night, may 5th austin had his choir concert. again i had NO idea he had a solo part. when his director announced he was the solo i was hurrying trying to get my camera to the video mode and i missed the very beginning. i managed to get most of it. this was a tear jerker for me. as many of you know my austin is totally blind, autistic and mentally challenged. they sang "lean on me" with him having the opening part. amaZing i say, just absolutely AMAZING!!!

way to go you two. again...another memory and proud moment for your mom!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

catching up...

it's hard to believe that i had two senior boys who went to prom this year. it was such a bitter sweet day for me.  to see my two boys ask these girls and escort them all day.  tom and i chaperoned austin and his date as these two kiddos are truly special at heart.  God made them with abilities none of us would want but these two, are amaZing!

trevor took his girlfriend kyah and they coupled with his friend patrick and his date maddi.  trevor started the day by taking the girls to my mother's and cooking them a homemade breakfast.  then they went to a movie and vegged a bit.  the girls had decided they didn't want to be all dressed for dinner.  for me...this was the fuN part of prom.  going to dinner with your date all fancied up!  though they decided to eat then get dressed for the dance.  i made arrangements with trev so i could get some pictures of his big day.  i got some cute photos of all of them before the dance.  they all looked so handsome and beautiful!!  they went to the dance and had a blast.  the only thing i think they didn't like...mom being there.  though i tried not to make it noticeable but, we live in a small town and it was in the high school gym.  all in all i think trevor had a great time.  it was his first time being let go to drive all by his self and be responsible for 3 others.  i am so proud of him!  i can't believe my little guy is all grown up.

tom and i had a blast with austin and his date cassie.  we picked her up and went bowling for a few hours.  it was such a great experience for me.  not only to share this day with austin but to see his date taking care of him.  every time it was austin's turn to bowl cassie would take him up to his lane, direct him to where to roll the ball and stand by his side until it was done.  what a true testament to me that there are and will be people out there willing to guide austin in the right direction!  then we took her home so she could get all prettied up.  we picked her up and watched the two of them exchange their flowers {with their mother's help of course}.  then all six of us headed to dinner.  that's right all six of us!  both of these kiddos parents had the privilege to share in this night with them.  we all ate dinner at eva's {our local mexican food restaurant} and enjoyed each other's company.  it was so sweet when we were finished i had austin pay for every one's meal.  what a true gentleman he is.  then we headed to the dance.  oh what a cute sight that was.  it was a masquerade ball themed prom,  so they had a promenade to introduce each couple.  soooo, soooo, cute!  they did their pictures which i can't wait to see.  not the normal pose from back in the day from my prom.  tom and i enjoyed watching these two dance the evening away.  we took cassie home before the clock struck midnight and headed home ourselves.  what a wonderful time was had by all.

i am so honored to be these two amaZing boys' mom!  i am blessed that i get to share in these important times in their lives.  they are now two boys who have become young men.  this world is a better place because of them.  if you have the chance to meet them or know them...YOU are the privileged one. 

i love you boys and i am so proud of you!!