Monday, February 1, 2010

finding me part I

as many of you know i was able to attend a wonderful retreat in idaho last october.  the brave girl camp was a life opener for me.  you can check out all the info {here} about this life changing event put on by melody ross and her sister kathy wilkins.  it was an addition to my new mE.  the mE i have been trying to find for a long while.  almost 2 1/2 years ago i started this blog in a way of a challenge from rhonna farrer after volunteering at creative escape in 2007.  i did not know where my life was going, where i needed to be or who i was.  i thought i did, as most of us do.  now almost three years later i can start the process of really finding mE.

these last few years have been a life trial.  i had to learn how to be strong, use my voice and love myself all at the same time.  i had to learn to stand on my own, be a single mom and love myself.  i had to struggle, cry myself to sleep, look in the mirror and love myself.  i went to counseling, read books, loved my children more deeply and started loving myself.  i think now is the time to share some of my story of the last few years.  you may want to go potty, grab your favorite drink and some tissues.

i was one of those girls who were lucky enough to graduate from high school and a few days later {8 to be exact}get married to my high school sweetheart.  i set all my dreams aside to begin my life as a wife and a mother-to-be.  you always think you know what road you are going to take but sometimes, God has other plans.  i began my life as a new wife wondering how great it was going to be and how excited i was to be a mom.  these two things were the start of my journey to life, finding myself and my new hopes and dreams.  i can say now that being a young mom is oh so challenging and rewarding at the same time.  i was blessed to stay home with my four children until 2004.  through out those years i found many ups and downs.  i had lots of trials and tribulations, many that won't be shared on this public forum.  i realized now i wasn't "perfect", i wasn't always right, that there is two sides to every story and that communication is truly the most important thing in life!

choices i made in my life during those years{some good and some really not so good} made me see direction.  made me choose what i wanted and where i wanted to be.  it made me try harder to be a good mom and better person.  it was hard, love and support wasn't always there.  the pain i had, the pain i cause, the choices i made were mine and mine alone.  no one else's!  i didn't want anyone to take it away, i didn't want to feel it but i surely didn't want to be the cause of it.  the choices you make, which ever road you choose puts a dot on your map of life.

after many of happy years came many sad ones.  i realized i wasn't living MY life.  i was living a life for someone else.  even though i thought that is was what i wanted and needed to make me happy, it wasn't!  i realized that if i wasn't happy, my family wasn't happy.  i found depression to be my "best friend" many of years.  i realized how this disease can affect everyone in your life, everything in your life.  i came to realize that i couldn't do it alone.  that this disease was something bigger than me at the moment.  through guidance and at times medication, i have begun to overcome my depression and finally put my "best friend" in a different place in my life.

i must say these last few years i have watched myself grow.  i read a really good book "a weekend to change your life" by joan anderson and found a new canvas.  i sense then have picked up the book again today.  i decided i was going to read it again.  i understand that sometimes you have to have trials in your life to find your strength.  that is what these last few years have been...loads of trials.  a choice i made to find mE!  as "it's a weakness to just sit and wait for life to come to you" ~joan erikson  i have to put on my big girl pants and start being a big girl ALL BY MYSELF.  i had to risk a lot to find pure happiness and comforting "peace" to find the true mE! 

"only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." ~t. s. eliot

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