Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving & happy birthday austin!!

for most of us we spend thanksgiving with family & friends. we share or thoughts and what we are thankful for. there are many that are alone on this blessed day. it may be because they are serving our country, serving their church, a divorced family or may not even have a family. on this day i am not only thankful for my blessings and what this life on earth has given me but, it is also my first born son's 18th birthday!!! i can not believe that on this day 18 years ago i was in the hospital giving birth. it doesn't seem like long ago i was was holding him and rocking him to sleep. watching him figure out this world with no eyes. watching him stumble yet find ways to make life work for him. watching him grow into such a young man. my heart is full today!!! i am truly a blessed mother to have this amaZing young man in my life. not only has he taught me and my family so much. i truly believe he has touched the world. if you have ever had the chance to exchange a hello with this young man you will know why. he will touch your soul with his beautiful smile. life has been a challenge for him as he was born totally blind. then came the autism and mental challenges. though one hello from him you were touched. your heart would truly melt! god gave him to our family because he knew we could make his life on earth one with many blessings. what we didn't know, was that we would received in return is so much more. i love you austin and i am thankful and blessed to be your mom. i hope you know how very loved and how special you are to your family, friends and all that you come in contact with. happy birthday to you!!! may this life bring you as much joy to you as you have to all of us. love, mom

happy thanksgiving to all of you!!! may you remember the true meaning of this day and share your thanks with those that mean the most to you. thank you brother jeremy for serving your country for my freedom that i may enjoy what life has to offer!


Anonymous said...

OH I love that picture of the 2 of you together! Happy Birthday Austin and no, I totally cannot believe that he is 18! Boy that makes me feel old! Austin touched my life in so many ways and he still does through all that he has overcome and now has become a very handsome man. Love you Austin!

dianna said...

Happy Birthday Austin*!*
(and to you too MOM ;)

Chad Bennett said...

Happy Birthday Austin. We love you! We miss you guys

Hot Diggity Daws said...

What a beautiful post!! I just found you through Taryn's blog. I remember playing softball with you and babysitting Austin long long ago! He has grown so much, what a handsome guy! I love his picture on the side, what a beautiful smile. Thank you for sharing.

Wendy Shumway Daw

Chad Bennett said...

Happy Birthday Austin, and Happy Thanksgiving! Austin is truly a special and wonderful young man! It's crazy that he's 18!! Life moves on even if we as parents don't want it to!

Tammy said...

ok that last comment was from me, not Chad. I didn't notice that he was signed in not me! Sorry