Wednesday, August 27, 2008


wow!! two shows back to back for me was a true test of endurance. 10 classes in two days, 20 classes in 2 weekends did a number on me. let me just start out by saying i loVe teaching but, when you don't have a might just loose your voice, come home exhausted and catch a little bug or is it allergies. not too sure what it is but, i have not been ok. todaY is wednesday and i still have a scratchy voice and i am all stuffy. tulsa, tulsa, tusla...don't know what to say! terrific town of amaZing people!!! i have been waiting for my students to send any photos they may have taken. i received an e-mail today saying my addy kept bouncing back {sorry v}. i think i got it squared away now. so veronica sent me a little note saying she wrote on her blog {kreativelicense} about her ckc-tulsa weekend. i did not know that she was going to write such amaZing comments about mE and sei. what a wonderful praise you gave us. thank you!!!

veronica & i

sherry & i

can i just say tulsa...amaZing!!! i even taugh 2 gentlemen in mY classes. so wish i had pictures with them. one was in my 4 flower techniques and the other was my 4 papers in motion class. these guYs were a riot to have. wish i had more of you men in my classes. i had two young ladies as well. they were all excited and stinkin' cute!! they kept up with the class and did some amaZing work. tulsa was the first city EVER to follow instructions to the T and made no boo-boos while cutting their sheet protectors!!! givin' it up to you tulsa...WOOHOO!!! remember..."there are no boo-boos in scrapbooking, it's altered and you meant to do that and move on". otherwise it will take you f-o-r-e-v-e-r {in my best sandlot voice} to complete your pages!! i was also informed by a few ladies that creating keepsakes has a message board. don't know where i have been but, check it out. there you can find comments, idea, classes, friends and much, much more. thanks tulsa for showing this arizona chick that tulsa is a "stinkin' cute" town. can't wait to come back and see manY of you next year.


dianna said...

Teach me teach me*!*

How stinking cute are YOU ma'am?

Misty said...

Will you ever be in Tucson? Thinking about going to one in Phx. Hope the family is doing well.

{connie} said...

hey misty, i won't be in tucson but, i am teaching in phx. i am teaching all of the sei classes. would so love to see you there. connie

Kaelene said...

Connie -- OH MY GOSH!! I can't believe that I found you again, all thanks to the bloggin' world!
You have some amazing stuff, and I am so proud of you for teaching others about scrappin' and how far you have come, in the last 12 years!
I hope that you remember me! If you want to email me, I will send you my blog info!
Take care!

Kaelene said...

Okay, Connie, just to let you know how new I am to blogging - I didn't know that you could link to my blog, just from my comment! That's very cool . . . I just have a LOT to learn! LOL
My friend, Michelle, is the author of the book "Lifted", and I went to her website and was looking at the website for the company that you work with. Then, as they say, the rest is history! I saw your photo, and thought, "Hey, I know her!!" Then when I read your name . . . had to check out your blog! Too cool to find you again!
Actually, I have hooked up with 5 or 6 old friends, because of this bloggin' thang! It rocks!
Totally add me to you blog - I am excited to see who else I can re-connect with because of people that read your blog, and also to keep in touch with you.
I won't be going to the convention, but maybe some other time we can hook up to scrap!
Great to hear back from you!

V said...

Miss Connie - Would you believe I won the big door prize?? I was sooo stunned to find a ginormous SEI box on my doorstep last week! Totally rocked! I haven't finished my project yet, maybe this weekend. I was busy playing with SEI poppy papers instead.