Thursday, June 5, 2008

mY pa trip...

wanted to post about mY mini vaca to pa 4 days before i worked the ckc-buffalo show. i was able to see my dad and familY. i also saw some of my mom's family...miss my grandparents!! this was a great relaxing trip. i even eNjoYed not having cell or internet service. though after day 4 i think i was going a little crazy. on this trip i was able to meet my soon to be sil, amanda. she is such a doll!!! i can't wait until she is apart of our familY! it's nice too that i won't be just showing up for the wedding and introducing myself. now she will know who this other bridesmaid is, ha! we had a family bbq on sunday and it was so nice back there that i was hanging out in shorts, chillin'. had my step mom make me some extra deviled eggs cause i didn't think 24 was enough! my brother, tony gave me a ride on his quad. man, wish i had a picture of that. had a nice bike ride with my dad and his friends. eNjoYed the beautiful scenery and meeting some great new family and friends. i know this little vaca was short but, it was much needed! here are some pictures...eNjoY!!
this was supposta be a family pic at the bbq on sunday. dad, the boys and me but, tony wouldn't have it! i knew i wasn't gonna get a familY picture~AGAIN!!
me and dad on his bike. what a great ride we had. this has to be one of my highlights of my trip. being on the back of a bike with no cares or worries at all...truly freeing!awesome scenery on my ride!

a picture of down town youngsville...
the creek that runs along the side of my dad's back yard!
tony, me & dad

jr, me & dad

jr, me & amanda...she is so stinkin' cute! i love her to death and can't wait until the big day.

well...there you have it! can't wait until i can go back and visit again and stay a little longer.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

that scenery is beautiful!