Monday, October 29, 2012

sweEt 16!!

it's hard to believe that tOdaY my baby girl turns 16!! 
where have all the years gone? 
haleigh, being the last of my four children and the only girls
brings so much joy to my life. 
i didn't even know she was a girl until
a month before she was born. 
it was still hard to believe as a mother to my three sons
 that #4 was my little girl.

haleigh is such a wonderful young lady that is full of life.
i wanted to share some of the wonderful things about her.
*she thinks of others before herself.
*she is selfless.
*she has a smile that is really contagious.
*she loves little kids.
*she is an organizer.
*she loved dogs {really most animals}
*she is a great friend.
*she is a wonderful hugger.
*she is very caring.
*she is a good sister.
*she is full of life.
*she is a picky eater.
*she is an artist.
*she loves soccer.
*she loves her family.
*she can get her feelings hurt easily.
*she is so grateful.
*she is a tomboy that is turning into a beautiful young lady.
*she is a comedian.
*she is a great helper.
*she loves like no other.
*she is very photogenic.

today as her mom i am so thankful for her. 
i am grateful that god trusted me with her care.
i am one lucky mom to have this young lady in my life.
thank you for choosing me haleigh nicole.
i love you bug-a-boo!!

happy birthday haleigh and
eNjoY your sweet 16!!!