Saturday, April 25, 2009

happy birthday to my baby boy Trevor!! 
it's hard to believe you are already 17 years old. 
where have the years gone?
i love you!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

{playing catch up}

i have a lot to catch up on. my life has been crazy busy and i have loved every minute of it! the joys of motherhood.
  • spring break: the kids and i eNjoYed a wonderful couple of days at my girlfriend shelly's home in scottsdale. she has a pool and we lOvEd it!! thanks shelly and family.

  • on march 13th mY second oldest son, trevor past his test to receive his driving permit. look out world...trevor is on the road. mY kiddos get so tired of mom taking pictures. hey, i am a scrapper and someone has got to document all the memories. love you trev and congrats!

  • i am now employed!!! i received a phone call from {piggy tales} a scrapbooking company last week about teaching for them. i am so excited for this new challenge. they are an amaZing company with an amaZing group of people. i am privileged and honored to be a little part of it. you can check out their website {here} and also their {blog}. i was in mesa this weekend to do my training. i sat in on all of the classes to see how things are done. really stinkin' cute classes i must say! if you have a chance to attend any shows you must sign up for one of their classes. i will be teaching at 9 of them. you can check out where i will be on the right side of my blog. thanks piggy tales for this great opportunity. thanks trina for a great day!

more to come...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

so tired...

where has the last 4 weeks gone? so much has happened since my last blog entry. it's kinda late and i have so much to fill you in on. i think i might just have to wait until i am not so dang sleepy. so stopping in to say "hi". hope all my blogging friends and lurkers are doing well. wanted to send wishes to dianna, hope "U" are feeling better my friend. *hugs*